Neu Solbrud - IIII DLP Vergrößern

Solbrud - IIII DLP

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26,99 € inkl. MwSt.

0.7 kg
Lieferzeit: 2-5 Werktage

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On "IIII", Solbrud go against their previous way of composing, arranging and filtering music - collectively. When songwriting for the upcoming album began, Solbrud decided that the four members would each individually compose music and write lyrics for one vinyl side each. But of course, all tracks would be recorded by the band as a whole. At the same time, there was a desire to expand the musical palette and broaden the spectrum even further. This new process was therefore both inspiring and exciting for each band member. But also a working method that became very time- and energy-consuming along the way.

The result is Solbrud's most varied album to date - with room for shorter and simpler tracks. However, the band's atmospheric and alluring black metal with their distinctive sound is still very much in focus.

As mentioned, the album is called "IIII". The number 4 is thus repeated. 4 members, 4 vinyl sides and Solbröd's 4th studio album. The 4 elements - earth, fire, water and air - are also part of the universe surrounding "IIII". Each vinyl side - and thus each member's compositions - represents one element each.

The band started recording "IIII" in 2021, but in the autumn of 2021, vocalist/guitarist Ole Luk left Solbrud to focus on his solo project Afsky. However, Ole Luk is still a part of "IIII" as he wrote and composed his part and recorded it with the band before his departure. Solbrud played a farewell concert with Ole Luk in Copenhagen on 28/5-22 at Ungdomshuset. The place where it all started.

New vocalist/guitarist in Solbrud is David Hernan, who joined the band at the beginning of 2022. David Hernan has already played several concerts at home and abroad with Solbrud and has proven his worth as the new frontman.